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Ward 1 Supporters
Bill Lindeke
Dr Susan Clarke
Katie Fritze-Hovland
Cody Fisher
Zaagate Hernandez
Tim Connelly
Ian Buck
Grace Herbertz
Amelia Shoptaugh
Mike Foley
St. Paul Supporters
Bob Blake
Elizabeth Dickinson
Emily Fritze
David Ackos
James Petsch
Jen Haring
Maggie Bianchi
Julie Tietz
Greg Beglinger
Dan Marchall
Fiona Eustathiades
Deidre Manion-Fisher
Dr Zach Mensinger
Brian C. Martinson
Allison Young

Former Rep
Susan Allen
Lawyer, Tribal Law
I endorse Susan because she knows how to build community. I worked with her during her Women Winning internship and have seen first hand how skilled she is in creating welcoming spaces that make people feel included. I know she'll make a great representative for ward 1, and I'm proud to support her campaign.

Bill Lindeke
Lecturer in Urban Studies at the University of Minnesota’s Department of Geography, Environment and Society
Susan and I both share a real passion for transit, affordable housing, and initiatives to make St. Paul a more walkable. As an expert in urban planning, I endorse Susan because I believe in her commitment and vision to a stronger city for all its residents.

Alison Young

I’m endorsing Susan for Ward 1 because of her steadfast support for teachers. She understands that we know what our students need and will advocate for a strong partnership between the city of St. Paul and its schools. She stands with unions and listens to the needs of working people in her community.
Elizabeth Dickinson
Suz Woehrle is the main Ward 1 candidate that I believe will dig deeply into clean energy issues, particularly around the renegotiation of the city’s franchise agreement with Xcel, that gives Xcel the right to be our monopoly utility. This agreement provides the city with what used to be the third largest source of income and goes into the general fund. At least some of those funds should be directed into a clean energy and environmental fund. And pressure needs to be put on Xcel to create better, more equitable programs for energy efficiency and renewable energy with access for all, and lower barriers of entry. I believe Suz is the candidate to ensure this will happen! Right now, she’s the only candidate that has clean energy as one of her top 3 issues. Thanks for running!

Márquez Simula
Mayor, Columbia Heights
As Mayor of Columbia Heights, I’m excited to have the chance to work with Susan as our cities partner to do great work in the metro. I am excited to work with Susan because of her commitment to a just and fair city as well as her understanding of the needs of our constituencies.
Brian C. Martinson
Although I am a Ward 4 resident of Saint Paul, I have really come to appreciate Suz Woehrle’s support of issues I care a great deal about, including her recognition of the need for safe-streets for ALL, the value of separated and protected bikelanes, and much needed zoning reforms such as those proposed in the 1-4 Unit Housing Study. Her *consistency* on these issues is an indicator to me of how she would serve on City Council. I want partners on Council who can and will work with my own City Councilor (Mitra Jalali) to continue to make life as good as it can be for *all* the residents of our city. If you’re a Ward 1 resident of Saint Paul, I hope you will consider giving Suz your support in the current election!